EFI SOLAR Foundation


In 1983 during the 50th year of service of the Federation an EFI Golden Jubilee Trust was set up. The trust was titled “EFI Social and Labour Research Foundation”, in short the EFI SOLAR Foundation. The foundation was registered with the Charity Commissioner, Government of Maharashtra, under the Bombay Public Trusts Act, 1950.

Objectives of the Trust:

Advancement and propagation of education and/or training, both of Industrial Labour and of Management Personnel in India, especially in the field of industrial relations, labour welfare, management and economic use of human resources for the following purposes:

  • To undertake or promote activities and programs of scientific research and, in particular, social and labour research.
  • To collect and publish statistics and other information meetings for study and deliberations on various subjects relating to management and labour;
  • To organize conferences, seminars, workshops and other meetings for study and deliberations on various subjects relating to management and labour;
  • To study the measures which may be taken and the courses or programs which may be undertaken for promoting the conventions, recommendations and conclusions adopted by the International Labour Organization and to promote and implement the same.

EFI - SOLAR Foundation has recently completed a study commissioned by the Planning Commission on 'Employment Generation in Post Globalisation Era in Greater Mumbai'. EFI - SOLAR Foundation has initiated research on social and labour problems of direct concern to government, industry and labour, and the following research publications have been brought out by the Foundation:

Compensation Trends and Unique Practices - An Overview

  • Wage Analysis of Companies in Engineering, Pharmaceuticals and Chemical Industries in the private sector of India.
  • Holidays in India - A Comparative Overview
  • Impact of Wage indexation in Indus Economy
  • Wages and Productivity in Industries in India
  • Problems of Absenteeism in Indian Industries
  • A study of impact of statutory restrictions on lay-off, retrenchment and closure on the economic positions of firms, holidays in India - A Comparative overview, etc.